Digital Typings is registered by Federal Board of Revenue(FBR).
You will submit the security fee of the package in which you are interested according to payments that are mentioned on our site.
If anyone will try to steal money from you as SECURITY FEE of Digital Typings then, we will not responsible for this. So, please confirm the person before submitting the FEE. Our numbers are mentioned on the website.
In Digital Typings, everything is authentic and no chance of any scam or fraud. So, please avoid from fraud or scam type of discussions in Digital Typings
In Digital Typings, you will have no time bundles or specific hours or place for working. You can do easily anywhere and anytime.
As Digital Typings is a Registered and fully authentic Organization, We will also take a legal action against the person who will disturb us will fraudulent names or abusing language.